Freitag, 1. Dezember 2006

Hope ^- ^

What Feeling Do You Represent?.::Girls::.

You represent Hope. Your body and mind are filled with an incredible amount of hope, you always look in the bright sides of all situation, you hate pessimism but you still help those pessimist people. You think that you have a big role in this world and you are not mistaken, many people feel greatful for your help. People usually look up to you when they feel depressed and with your optimism you brighten their day. In your opinion the world is messed up but you feel that it will be restored one day. Life is very precious and you know that, that's why you are always thankful for it.Rate<>

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Thierry - Sa, 2. Dez, 11:06

eine kleine Erinnerung

An was debkst du, wenn du meinen Namen hörst?


Also vergiss es nicht wieder!

Hdl, Theresa!

PS. Ich repräsentiere Shyness.

Mikomi - So, 3. Dez, 18:45

ich machs sofort wenn ich aufstehe! versprochen!

shyness? süss. ich möchte das bild sehen. *-* stells doch aus. oder hab ich nur nicht genau auf dienem blog geschaut?
naritsara - So, 3. Dez, 20:44


well too ^-^

Mikomi - Mi, 6. Dez, 19:43

yeah i guess so.
naritsara - Mi, 6. Dez, 18:11

you make wep look so so Good ^_^

Mikomi - Mi, 6. Dez, 19:44

erm... thnx u very much^^

do u have a weblog too? :D
naritsara - Do, 7. Dez, 21:36

yas i have too but I just Start and have not thing
Bye..i must make my Weblog Before you go to see hihi^^

Mikomi - Sa, 9. Dez, 11:32

ahhhh i have just seen it. its so cute, especially the header *______________________*

but u still didnt write anything T-T

edit: ahhh there was a second suddenly disappeared? ~.~
naritsara - So, 10. Dez, 12:21


Thank you very Much....
My Headeris um... yas i thing so that is Good !!
i go to see all at (if you want )
that web is so Good....
Byebye...i will reply some thing at My Weblog...
P.S I'm Sister of Camilla my name is Chi-Bum

Mikomi - Mo, 11. Dez, 16:59

XD yeah it really is great!^^

what is this a weblog or what is this?

your cam's sis? so dont u speak german then?
naritsara - Mo, 11. Dez, 17:51


Camilla she is my Sister, she can speak German but i'm can't becaus i'm go from thailand for learn here, i'm Stepchild of her father, bacaus my mom & her father is Mary and now we are Family........tired for explain ^-^" and that web i come from my Header...
and Thnk you so much for add o your Links!!
P.s: what you mean about "XD yeah it really is great!^^"...

Mikomi - Mo, 11. Dez, 23:08

aha ^^ you dont have to explain anything if u dont want to^^
i was just wondering who you are XD but i dont have to know.

by "yeah it really is great" i mean your header again. i like it very much!!! *________________*
ur welcome (> because of adding)
:D did u write your first entry yet?
kiss bye

ps: yeah i've already added u ^- ^
naritsara - Mo, 11. Dez, 18:13

you Have e-mail ???!!!
my e-mail is

Mikomi - Mo, 11. Dez, 23:08

my adress is this missx.... :D

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